Welcome to Usamaverse

Behind the scenes of building a 6-figure business with digital writing, social selling & powerful offers.

Join 300+ already reading. Get powerful writing & audience monetization insights in your inbox. Sometimes I'll share my learnings about personal growth, mindset, and life.

About me
Who is Usama?

Hey, I'm Usama.

I'm the one people flock to on LinkedIn for building insanely profitable personal brands.In 5 years of my marketing career, I've had over 500k followers for my clients, 100M+ views and over $10M in sales.I like to write, play football, box, and push my body & mind to their limit.



@2024 Usamaverse. All rights reserved.

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How I built an insanely profitable personal brand on LinkedIn, got high ticket clients and built a community that enjoys buying from me

@2024 Usamaverse. All rights reserved.

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I'll let you know when my community is ready to roll.


@2024 Usamaverse. All rights reserved.

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@2024 Usamaverse. All rights reserved.

I'm building a community of experts who

I help soloprenuers build insanely profitable personal brands online.

So they can turn from "strangers" to the "GO-TO Strategist" in their market and :- Work on their terms
- Provide for people they love
- Enjoy their solopreneur journey

If you could tap into your existing audience to attract your
ideal clients, how easily could you scale?

2 ways I can help you:

Ghostwriting and personal branding

The Solo creator. newsletter

Hi, I'm Usama

I’m a LinkedIn ghostwriter and copywriter with over $5,000,000 in sales for my clients.I’m good at football and I build the most interesting personal brands on LinkedIn.Plus, they call me the undisputed LinkedIn beard champion.

What people say about me :

Your solopreneur journey doesn't have to be a roller coaster ride, anymore.

If you're ready to turn your online presence into a 6-figure revenue channel, monetize your social media, and position yourself as an Industry expert, you can book a call with me here to see if we are a good fit.

Join 1000+ digital creators getting insanely actionable tips to monetize their online presence - delivered to your inbox 2x/week

* Get my LinkedIn profile optimization guide for FREE when you sign up.

Turn your LinkedIn profile into a Lead Generating Machine on AUTOPILOT

P.S Join 1000+ digital creators who receive insanely actionable tips to monetize their online presence - delivered to your inbox 2x/week for FREE

What you get :

✔️ 5 templates for a unique Tagline and banner for any niche + 25 samples✔️ Framework to write a perfect About section even if you're a newbie✔️ 3 highly engaging ready to use templates for a killer about section ✔️ How to use your Featured Section to turn followers into clients

P.S Join 1000+ digital creators who receive insanely actionable tips to monetize their online presence - delivered to your inbox 2x/week for FREE

Who am I ?

Hi, I'm Usama

I’m a LinkedIn ghostwriter and copywriter with over $5,000,000 in sales for my clients.I’m good at football and I build the most interesting personal brands on LinkedIn.Plus, they call me the undisputed LinkedIn beard champion.

Follow my socials here:

What people say about me :

Grab your Free LinkedIn Profile Optimization Cheatsheet here

P.S Join 1000+ digital creators who receive insanely actionable tips to monetize their online presence - delivered to your inbox 2x/week for FREE

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Your Free LinkedIn Optimization Guide is on its way.Check your inbox, if you don't find it in the primary folder.Check the promotions or spam folder and drag it into primary.I'll chat with you in the inbox.See you in a while.